TargetPoint polling was recently featured in a Wall Street Journal op-ed by Karl Rove examining the enduring legacy of Colin Powell on US foreign policy.
The polling conducted on behalf of the Vandenberg Coalition looked to better understand voters’ views of the country’s role in an increasingly globalized world. The findings clearly show that voters remain committed to a leading role for the U.S. globally, but also want our partners and allies to do their part.
As Rove notes, “A new poll by the Vandenberg Coalition, a nonpartisan center-right group, shows this outlook endures: The electorate is supportive of engaged American global leadership.”
“It’s important to remember that while ordinary Americans often pay attention to the specifics of economic or social policy, their foreign-policy views are drawn less from detailed knowledge about specific matters and more from underlying sentiments about how the world works. Words that resonate with these deeply held attitudes—like “peace through strength”—have durability. Hence our leaders’ rhetoric tends to matter more on international concerns than on domestic ones.”