Big Data And Voter Mobilization: Keys To Winning The 2014 Election

By November 10, 2014Expert Opinions

Targeting and mobilizing voters were important facets of this year’s election. This WSJ article, titled “Election 2014: Results Show Limits of Big Data,” discusses the efforts of Republican Party officials and consultants-including Brent Seaborn, managing partner at TPC-in turning out Republican voters. The program designed by Seaborn and the RNC helped to predict voter sentiment and inform campaigns on how to move forward. “The political team, to their credit, totally bought into the system and used the numbers for everything,” described Seaborn. The race in North Carolina was particularly close and definitely benefited from the work done by these data miners. And for those of you wondering, Matt Knee at TargetPoint is the unnamed data-cruncher predicting the NC win.

Read the full article here.

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